Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sieve of Erathostenes (ESO 1st Course)

Pedro García Gil, a very interesting bilingual maths teacher suggested me this activity, I changed only a little bit. It is a worksheet to work in pairs.

Powers and roots (ESO 1st Course)

I haven't find many resources I thought interesting about powers and roots. And I finally had a problem when I tried to use them in class, because the computers need some plugins that are not easy to set up in the Guadalinex Laptops.

Anyway, here are the activities I would like have used about powers and roots:

Making experiments with probability (ESO 3rd Course)

After the unit about statistics, we were working with probability. I found a really interesting activity in order to understand the law of large numbers. It consist on making experiments with one die and two dice. Here you have the links:
The students worked in pairs, they were writing the result of their experiments and finally they gave their work to the teacher. It was funny and  very learning too!