Saturday, October 8, 2011

Practice with divisibility vocabulary

Try to solve this crossword. You may win a prize if you are the first one.

Activities related with divisibility

In this class, we will play activities related with divisibility: factors, multiples, etc. In order to make that, we will use our computers, and we will visit the following links:
  1. The factor game. We will start playing in pairs: one versus the other. Later, we will play one pair versus other one. And so on until one half of the class is playing versus the other half.
  2. The product game. This game is a bit more difficult, but the use of strategy makes it more interesting. Don't get bored and play! You can be a really good mathematician.

Welcome to our blog

Here you will find some of the activities we will make in our bilingual mathematics class. This year, we will work in ESO 2nd level and we will work in two directions:
  1. We will make activities related with the units we are working in class (Divisibility, Integer Numbers, Sexagesimal System, Fractions, Proporcionality, Algebra, Equations, Geometry, etc)
  2. We will also work in some e-twinning projects (Too many things to measure, Around the circle and the wheel, etc).
We hope you will find useful this information. And for anything you like, don't hesitate and send us a comment. See you soon!